State Rep. Tom Kunse | Michigan House Republicans
State Rep. Tom Kunse | Michigan House Republicans
State Representative Tom Kunse has announced an art competition open to students from first to twelfth grade within the 100th House district. The contest, themed “Celebrating Rural Michigan through Art,” invites young artists to showcase their interpretations of Northern Michigan's beauty.
Kunse expressed enthusiasm for the event, stating, "I’m excited to see what the creative minds can put together for their interpretation of Northern Michigan. Our district is full of beauty, and there are endless ways for these students to showcase it."
Submissions must be emailed as a photo of the artwork by April 1, including details such as name, grade, school, parents’ contact information, and home address. Winners will be chosen from two groups: first through eighth grade and ninth through twelfth grade. The selected artworks will be displayed in Kunse’s office in Lansing.
Eligible submissions should be two-dimensional and can include paintings (oil, acrylic, watercolor), drawings (colored pencil, pencil, ink, marker, pastels, charcoal), collages, prints (lithographs, silkscreen, block prints), or mixed media.
For students uncertain about their state House district affiliation, they can verify this on the state House website.